
Posts Tagged ‘colds and flu’



Elderberry Does the Job When it Comes to the Cold or Flu.

Are you fighting the flu bug? Dealing with  bronchial congestion, sore throat and cough?

Check out Elderberry Concentrate.

The extract taken from wild grown Elder Flowers (Sambucus nigra) is known to help the body resist infection.

and here’s the interesting part…………

the berries have been found to interrupt the ability of some viruses to replicate”!. Or said in another way, “Elderberries contain Sambucus nigra agglutinins (SNAs), which helps prevent some types of flu from infecting healthy cells.” Now that’s information worth knowing.

One winter a member of our family got bronchitis and was unable to shake it. My research seemed to point to the Elderberry so we gave Sambu® Elderberry Concentrate a try. “Elderberry is one of the most effective herbs for preventing and treating upper respiratory infections” was what I was told.

Within the week the bronchitis was under control.

Another delicious alternative is the Elderberry and Zinc lozenges (NOW brand) I keep these in my herbal medicinal cabinet. I usually find my Elderberry concentrate or lozenges at the local health store.

CAUTION ****** Do NOT use FRESH – as all parts of the plant in the fresh state can cause poisoning. So if you’ve got an Elderberry bush in your back yard like I do, you best leave the berries for the birds.

Having said that, properly prepared, the Elderberry carries significant healing power and the juice is delicious. This is one medicine anyone can swallow.





Don’t forget, to add a Merry Heart to the mix. “A merry heart does good like a medicine.”

disclaimer: The content on this post is meant for informational purposes only, and is not intended for use as official health consultation.

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